I love playing the piano and try to play as much as time will allow! I was playing through some worship songs a couple weeks ago and played the song "It is well with my soul". And ended the song in tears. I have always loved this song and knew there was a story behind the man who had written it years ago, but I had never known the complete story. So, I decided to investigate!
"It is well with my soul" was written by Horatio Gates Spafford, a successful Chicago lawyer. A married man and devout Christian in the 1800's. In 1870 Horatio's only son died at the age of 4 from scarlet fever. One year later the real estate Horatio had invested in burned in the "Great Chicago fire". As you can imagine it was a hard time for the Spaffords. Horatio decided he and his wife and 4 daughters would travel to England for a much needed holiday and also to help D.L. Moody as he was traveling around Britian with one of his great evangelistic campaigns. They were set to travel out from New York on the french steamer "Ville de Harve" but last minute business delayed Horatio from departing with his wife and daughters. He sent them on ahead and would meet up with them a few days later. 9 days later Horatio received word that the Ville de Harve" had collided with the "Lochearn", an english vessel, and sunk within 12 minutes. His 4 daughters died in that ship wreck and his wife was saved only because of a piece of plank that floated underneath her unconscious body and propped her afloat. Upon hearing the devastating news, Horatio boarded the next ship out of New York to join his grieving wife. As they sailed through the very waters that the "Ville de Harve" had sunk Horatio went into his cabin and wrote the lyrics of this hymn.
When peace like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my soul.
Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed his own blood for my soul.
It is well....it is well with my soul.
It is well, it is well with my soul!
He wrote these words in his darkest hour. When he was in despair and filled with sorrow. This poem was put to music several years later and is a song we still sing to this day!
This man, like so many other people have gone through hardships and trials in their life. Far outweighing anything I have had to go through in my life. And yet, though faced with insurmountable tragedy, they continued to have faith in God, pressed on and became stronger because of it.
This has really resonated with me and I pray that whatever my "lot" in life and whatever is to come that I would be able to say "It is well with my soul".
Thank you for sharing the deep quest of your soul, Kimi! Great encouragement for those who are sorrowing after loss. Have a blessed day!